søndag den 9. oktober 2011

How to get CoffeeScript to work on Aptana Studio 3 on Windows

This is a quick run-down of the steps I had to do, to get coffeescript integrated with my installation of Aptana Studio.

1) Get hold of cygwin, and make sure to install gcc, g++, openssl.
2) Download node and coffeescript (http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/)
3) Compile node first (using cygwin)
3.1) ./configure --without-ssl
3.2) make install
Note: I had some problems during configure, basically I had to run rebaseall, which has to be done using ash (can be started from a "normal" command prompt from the cygwin/bin folder).
4) Install coffeescript
4.1) ./bin/cake install

You're done.

You can now use coffee from the cygwin shell (i.e. to auto-compile some .coffee files into .js).

Alternatively, to just use it, simply include the following in your head tag:

<script src="js/coffee-script.js">
<script type="text/coffeescript" src="coffee/main.coffee">

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